Making Health Markets Work Is More Important Now Than Ever

Kim Longfield
Kim Longfield
Total market approaches can help target free and subsidized products to those who need them most and ensure that funders, countries, and implementers use resources as efficiently as possible.

Funding for areas like family planning and HIV prevention has been shaky at best. When programs are funded, international donors and countries have prioritized ensuring a steady supply of commodities or reaching beneficiaries through medical interventions, like PrEP. While important, we can’t forget the power of branding and demand generation for primary prevention and for improving health outcomes. Total market approaches can help target free and subsidized products to those who need them most and ensure that funders, countries, and implementers use resources as efficiently as possible.

1) We’re very proud of the study we published with PSI/Zimbabwe on strengthening the condom market in Zimbabwe. Findings demonstrate where international donor and government investments can impact condom programming and condom markets most, including consumer research to segment markets, intensive demand generation to increase demand and use, and market intelligence to inform decision making.

2)Anyone working on health market strengthening can now benefit from these excellenttoolkits released by Mann Global Health. They provide common language and best practices for donors and implementers to guide program design and implementation, diagnose brand and marketing issues, and evaluate overall brand and marketing performance.

3) The 2019 release of the Contraceptive Commodity Gap Analysis from the Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition provides insight into the role of the public, private sector and NGO sectors for closing the gap on unmet need for family planning. Visualizations in the report help communicate how total market approaches will be critical for ensuring contraceptive needs are met worldwide.

3) This piece from Abt Associates highlights the role of the private sector in the fight to end HIV/AIDS. The authors illustrate how the private sector can expand access to testing, treatment, and other services as countries strive to reach their 90-90-90 targets.

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