
Case Study
Addressing data integrity and improving the user experience to help Tiko optimize…
Kim Longfield
Rebecca Pallant
Amy Lynn Grossman
Case Study
Communication tools and plans to help the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation capture…
Kim Longfield
Rebecca Pallant
Amy Grossman
Case Study
Databoom has been working with ChildFund to scale an M&E framework…
Kim Longfield
Saranga Jayarathne
Case Study
A Digitized Data Management Tool For Evidence-Based Decision-Making…
Kim Longfield
Jess Gergen
Case Study
A partnership strategy based on Design Thinking…
Kim Longfield
Andrea Rowan
Amy Grossman
Case Study
A tool for marketers to compare market performance across countries…
Kim Longfield
Jess Gergen
Case Study
A Communications Strategy To Ensure The E2A Project’s Legacy Will Live On…
Kim Longfield
Amy Grossman
Case Study
An Experimental Study To Test The Impact Of Social Marketing On Zimbabwe’s…
Andrea Rowan
Kim Longfield
Case Study
An In-Depth Look At Ghana And Malawi And The Feasibility Of Integrating…
Andrea Rowan
Kim Longfield

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